diet and Nutrition – Vitamin B6

1983 Alpine Renault A310 V6Vitamin B6 occurs in three forms–pyridoxine, diet pills (visit here) pyridoxamine, and pyridoxal. B6 is absorbed in the massive intestine. The muscle stores approximately 75-80 % of the vitamin even though the living stores about 5 10 %.

B6 is required for transaminations, decarboxylations, dehydratases, side-chain cleavage reactions, and ammonia release. Its aldehyde group functions as a Schiff base to act in response with the amino groups of amino acids. It basically acts to shuttle nitrogen between compounds.

Functions- The 3 forms of B6 can all be converted on the coenzyme PLP that aids in transamination and protein metabolism. PLP is vital for glycogen degradation; it may also help with the formation of the neurotransmitter, serotonin, the nonprotein portion of hemoglobin (heme), nucleic acids, and lecithin. Vitamin B6 is crucial for the metabolism of tryptophan to niacin.

General Reactions:

· Transaminations These reactions are required to recycle and reuse nitrogen in the human body. They are the initial step of amino acid catabolism as well as the very last step in the synthesis of nonessential amino acids. Example: a-ketoglutarate + asparate glutamate + oxaloacetate

· Serine/ Threonine Deamination (Dehydratases) This reaction has the generation of the a-keto acids of threonine and serine via oxidative removal of N as ammonia Example: Serine a-keto-serine + NH4+

· Decarboxylation These reactions often appear on the neuroactive amines of seratonin, tyramine, histamine, and GABA. In addition they are crucial in porphyrin synthesis, intermediates in the synthesis of sphingomyelin, taurine and lecithin, and for the breakdown and desulfuration of cysteine.

· Glycogen Phosphorylase fifty % of all B6 in the body is sure to glycogen phosphorylase however, the value is unknown. The reaction is crucial for recycling of folate and is as follows:


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